Friday, November 4, 2011


It's high time I started a blog. Posts get lost on facebook, so think this may be a better place to post about the boys, for one. Butchie and Joey are fox squirrels, raised from babies, and headed toward eventual release. I in no way recommend squirrels as pets! They are very destructive, very active, always looking to get into stuff, even as I type this. They need a very strict diet so they don't develop metabolic bone disease (MBD), a very painful and even fatal disease caused by lack of calcium and vitamin D. These aren't creatures you can keep caged, and expect them to be happy. BUT raising these two has been an amazing experience; raising them, watching them grow, knowing their personalities, learning their behavior. I know this experience will NOT last as these are wild boys. I also know many have squirrels, many may have been non releasable, maybe they are lucky enough to live in a legal state, and know how to properly care for them. Look for more posts showing pictures of them, video if I can post such, and stories. As I type this, One of them is burying something in my hair....ah lovely! A piece of bread :). Stay tuned. I may post about other critters, crafts, etc. as well.....IF the boys let me!!

ONe of my favorite pictures; don't they look like they are plotting??

Butchie on the left; Joey on the right

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